Department of Defense
NUMBER 1332.35
February 29, 2016
SUBJECT: Transition Assistance Program (TAP) for Military Personnel
References: See Enclosure 1
1. PURPOSE. This instruction:
a. Reissues DoD Directive (DoDD) 1332.35 (Reference (a)) as a DoD Instruction in
accordance with the authority in DoDD 5124.02 (Reference (b)) to establish policy, assign
responsibilities, and prescribe procedures for administration of the DoD TAP.
b. Incorporates and cancels DoD Instruction (DoDI) 1332.36 and Directive-type
Memorandum 12-007 (References (c) and (d)).
2. APPLICABILITY. This instruction:
a. Applies to OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff (CJCS) and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of the Inspector
General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all
other organizational entities within the DoD (referred to collectively in this instruction as the
“DoD Components”).
b. Does not apply to members of the Army and Air National Guard serving under Title 32,
United States Code (U.S.C.) (Reference (e)).
3. POLICY. It is DoD policy that:
a. The TAP:
(1) Prepares all eligible members of the Military Services for a transition from active
duty back to civilian life.