Title: Man Hours Expenditure Chart
Number: DI-FNCL-80003A Approval Date: 30 OCT 2006
AMSC Number: 7622 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: No GIDEP Applicable: No
Applicable Forms: N/A
Use/relationship: This chart is an index of contractor effort. It is used by the Government to
compare the actual man hours expended versus the man hour estimates over a given period of
This Data Item Description (DID) contains the format and content preparation instructions
for the data product generated by the specific and discrete task requirements for this data
included in the contract.
This DID may be applied in any contract and during any program phase to acquire the man
hours expenditure chart.
1. Reference Documents. None.
2. Format and Content: The chart shall be on 8 ½ x 11 graph paper with a 20 x 20 per inch
matrix or metric A4 with a 2.5 cm matrix to be furnished by the contractor. A convenient scale
will be chosen to depict the man hours expended on the vertical axis and the projected time of
the contract on the horizontal axis. A broken line will be plotted to depict the number of man
hours estimated to accomplish the effort. The estimated number of man hours depicted on this
chart should agree with the estimated number of man hours depicted on other technical data
items called out under this contract for the same work effort. A solid line will be plotted to depict
the actual man hours expended on the contract during the prescribed period.
2.1 Revised estimate lines will be constructed on the chart by the contractor when contract
modification causes the original estimate to be no longer suitable for the intended purpose.
2.2 Whenever substantial variance for original estimates can be anticipated, the contracting
officer or his duly authorized representative shall be advised promptly.
3. The chart shall be a reproducible master and shall remain in the possession of the contractor
during the life of the contract.
4. Figure 1 is a sample Man Hours Expenditure Chart.
5. END OF DI-FNCL-80003A.
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