Number: DI-ALSS-81520A Approval Date: 30 July 1999
AMSC Number: N7342 Limitation:
DTIC Applicable: No GIDEP Applicable: No
Office Of Primary Responsibility: N/AS/PMA205
Applicable Forms: None
Use/relationship: The Instructional Media Design Package provides the design
documentation for the development and production of courseware.
a. This Data Item Description (DID) contains the preparation instructions for the content and
format of the Instructional Media Design Package.
b. This DID contains the format, content, and intended use information for the data product
resulting from the performance requirements described by 3.2.4 of MIL-PRF-29612A, and is
applicable to the acquisition of training data products. Data product performance evaluation
criteria are specified in 4.3.4 and 4.3.9 of MIL-PRF-29612A.
c. It is not intended that all the requirements contained herein should be applied to every
program or program phase. Portions of this DID are subject to deletion tailoring depending
upon the program phase in which it is applied in the contract. Any individual data requirement
contained in this DID is subject to deletion tailoring.
d. This DID supersedes DI-ILSS-81520.
1. Format. The format of data contained within this DID is as follows:
a. For paper-based products contractor format is acceptable.
b. Standard digital data shall comply with the content and format requirements
specified in the Defense Data Dictionary System (DDDS).
2. Content. The Instructional Media Design Package shall contain the following:
2.1 Front matter. The content of front matter shall be in accordance with Appendix A of
2.2 Summary description of training. The training summary shall provide a brief description of
training materials being developed. The summary shall include:
a. Training program title, identifier, and version identifier.
b. A brief description of the major topics.
c. Number of instructional hours training materials will be used.
d. A listing of the methodologies employed in the design, development,
implementation, and presentation of the training program.
e. A listing of the equipment being simulated in the training program.
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