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Number: DI-IPSC-81756 Approval Date: 20080528
AMSC Number: N9043 Limitation:
DTIC Applicable: GIPDEP Applicable: N/A
Office of Primary Responsibility: SH/ PEO IWS 1.0
Applicable Forms: N/A
Use/Relationship: The Software Documentation is used to support required reviews and Test
Readiness Evaluations
This data item description contains the format and content preparation instructions for the data
product resulting from the discrete task requirements as delineated in the contract.
1.0 Format. The Software Documentation shall be in contractor’s format.
2.0 Content. The Software Documentation shall include activity and sequence diagrams, data
dictionaries, and design products vaulted as drafts-in-process for the software design artifacts.
2.1 Procedures to assemble an installed computer program from the component software
modules shall be included. The documentation shall also include subprograms, commercial off
the shelf and non-developmental items programs.
2.2 Unit test data sets and technical functional test scripts shall be included. The equivalent data
sets used to test the software unit shall be identified when unit test data sets are not used.
2.3 Quick reference cards, context sensitive help and simulations for the reusable learning
objects shall be included.
3.0 End of DI-IPSC-81756
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