Title: Management Plan
Number: DI-MGMT-80004A Approval Date: 30 OCT 2006
AMSC Number: 7621 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: No GIDEP Applicable: No
Office of Primary Responsibility: NS/DA02
Applicable Forms: N/A
Use/relationship: The management plan describes the contractor’s organization,
assignment of functions, duties, and responsibilities, management procedures and
policies, and reporting requirements for the conduct of contractually-imposed tasks,
projects, or programs.
This Data Item Description (DID) contains format and content preparation instructions
for the data product generated by the specific and discrete task requirement as delineated
in the contract.
This DID may be applied in any contract or program phase where the contract
management is under the direction and control of the contractor.
1. Reference documents. None.
2. Format. The plan shall be in a format that the contractor devises and conforms to the
a. Identification. The plan shall be identified with the preparing office or contractors
title, the identifying numbers or designation of the Contract/Procurement Request,
the identify and/or nomenclature of the system/component/program/project, the
security classification and the Government activity issuing the controlling contract.
b. Descriptive material. As may be needed to clarify or explain matters in the text,
the plan may include descriptive material, sketches, drawings, photographs, tables,
forms, graphs, worksheets, charts, etc.
c. Page size. The plan may be typewritten or printed on standard size paper, e.g., 8 ½
x 11 inches or metric A4. The pages shall be sequentially numbered and security
bound together. As necessary, graphic material may be one-way fold-outs. All
attachments shall be identified and referenced in the text. Each section and
paragraph shall be numbered.
d. Table of contents and index. Plans of more than 30 pages in length shall contain a
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