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Parts Approval Requests DI-MISC-80071 D
3.I This Data Item Description (DID) describes the requirements for the preparation and submittol of
requests for pari approvol of parts being selected for design in n specific cmrtroct.
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7. I This DID mntoins the format and content prcparotion instructions for data generated by the work tosk
described by 5. 1.3d or 5.1 .4d of MIL-HDBK-965.
7.2 This data item is typically used in conjunction with DI-MISC-80072C (Progrom Parts Selection List).
7.3 ‘fltis DID supersedes DI-MISC-80071C
* —- * Amc —
DD Form 2052
DD Fomr 2053 F6857
WUAnm —
10.1 Reference documents. The applicable issue of the documents cited herein, including their approval
date, nnd dntes of arty applicable amendments, notices, and revisions shall be as specified in the
10.2 Conten: nnd format. This report shall be in accordsmcc with 5. 1.3d curd5. 1.4d of MIL-HDBK-965.
10.2.1 Form: of nonstandard mm
aPorovnl rcaues. Comply Ah the format of DD Form 205Z
Nonstandard Part Approvnl Request. Preparation instructions ore m follows:
~ (To be filled out by the contractor.)
Item 1. The log number is to be completed ns instmcted by the Military Parts Control Advisory
Group (MPCAG). When adding a part ton Progrnm Pans Selection List (PPSL) per MIL-HDBK-965,
include the contract code, Federnl Supply Clnss (FSC), nnd index number.
(Continued on Page2)
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public relense; distribution is unlimited.
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