Title: Calibration and Measurements Requirements Summary (CMRS)
Number: DI-QCIC-80278B Approval Date: 20070413
AMSC Number: 7719 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: N/A GIDEP Application: N/A
Preparing Activity: F36
Applicable Forms:
Use, Relationships: The CMRS details the measurement requirements of the system, subsystem,
or equipment; the Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE); and the calibration
standards and equipment required to assure traceability of all measurements through the individual
military department metrology and calibration programs to approved national standards. The
summary identifies and validates the adequacy of TMDE and the need for calibration standards and
. The CMRS DID satisfies the requirements of the 5000-series DoD directives; AFI 21-113; AR
750-25; NAVELEX 4355.2 and MCO 4733.1B.
b. This DID contains the format, content, and intended use information for the data deliverable
resulting from the work task described in MIL-STD-1839 and is applicable to the acquisition of all
military systems, subsystems and equipment.
. D
I-QCIC-80278B supersedes DI-QCIC-80278A.
1. Reference documents. The applicable issue of the documents cited herein, including their
approval dates and dates of any applicable amendments, notices and revision, shall be as specified
in the contract.
2. F
ormat. Contractor format is acceptable. The Summary Data Table will be in electronic format
using Access or Excel. Contact the 588
CBSG/AFMETCAL/Technical Applications Flight for
e formats, templates or related guidance.
3. Content. The CMRS shall document in detail the measurement requirements of the system,
subsystem or equipment; the test, measurement and diagnostic equipment (TMDE); and the
calibration standards and equipment required to assure traceability of all measurements to approved
national standards. The data presented in the CMRS requires periodic updating to include changes
in design, changes in engineering, changes required as a result of proposals (ECPs), etc., which
affect system measurement requirements or TMDE. The CMRS shall ensure:
3.1. All operational system, subsystem and equipment calibration and measurement requirements
are identified and traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or other
DoD approved measurement sources.
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