Individuals’ Interest in
Cognitive Screening,
Dementia Diagnosis, and
New Estimates from a Population-
Representative Sample
lzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) affect more than 6.5 million people in
the United States (Alzheimer’s Association, 2023) and more than 55 million worldwide
(Long, Benoist, and Weidner, 2023). Although the age-adjusted prevalence of dementia has
been decreasing in the United States in recent decades, the total number of older adults
living with this condition is still expected to rise because of population aging and the aging of the
large baby boomer generation. Collectively, ADRD is one of the costliest medical conditions primar-
ily because of the care involved in treatment (Wimo et al., 2023).
The detection and disease-modifying treatment options for dementia are currently limited.
However, advances in medical science may soon enable early and accurate detection of ADRD, as
well as effective treatments (Reynolds, 2024). These developments could have significant implica-
tions for the care and well-being of older individuals by identifying early stages of ADRD and
determining the most-effective treatments. The value of the detection of cognitive decline before
symptoms arise and the value of treatment options critically depend on how many people would
use these options. That is not easy to predict and likely depends on the specificities of the tests and
treatments, including their price, efficacy, and potential side effects, as well as on individuals’ moti-
vations or potential reservations.
Dementia care typically involves three main steps: screening for existing memory problems,
referral to a brain specialist for further assessment if issues are detected, and consideration of treat-
ment options if a diagnosis is made. The potential availability of effective dementia treatments and
tests that can identify presymptomatic ADRD raises questions about who would seek early detection
and screening, follow up with a specialist, and pursue treatment. The answers to such questions are
Research Report