Page 1 GAO-25-107496 Forest Service Timber
The Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service sells timber each year as part of
its mission to manage the National Forest System for multiple uses and to
provide sustained yields of various resources. The agency sells timber for
several reasons, including to help achieve land management objectives such as
improving wildlife habitat. Timber from national forests is used for a variety of
commercial purposes, such as to produce lumber to build houses or pulp to
make paper products, and for other purposes, such as firewood (see fig. 1).
Figure 1: Timber Harvest Operations (left) and Processed Lumber (right)
We received multiple congressional requests asking us to examine Forest
Service timber sales. A House Report accompanying a bill for the Forest
Service’s appropriations for fiscal year 2024 also includes a provision for us to
study timber harvest levels. (H.R. Rep. No. 118-155, at 83 (2023); 170 Cong.
Rec. S1095, S1675 (Mar. 5, 2024)). This report discusses how the Forest
Service offers timber for sale, how the agency sets targets for the amount of
timber it aims to sell each year, and how much timber the agency sold from fiscal
years 2014 through 2023. This is part one of a two-part review. The second part
will further examine Forest Service timber sales, including agency and
stakeholder perspectives on the timber sale process.
• The Forest Service sells timber from the national forests through different
mechanisms, such as through timber sale or stewardship contracts.
example, through stewardship contracts and agreements, the agency
exchanges timber for services (e.g., habitat restoration work) to help achieve
its land management objectives. The Forest Service can also enter into
agreements with states to implement timber sales, called Good Neighbor
Authority (GNA) agreements. The agency considers a variety of factors when
determining which mechanism to use.
U.S. Government Accountability Office
: Timber Sales in Fiscal Years
Report to Congressional Addressees
19, 2024