Department of Defense
NUMBER 1100.16
August 14, 1989
SUBJECT: Equal Opportunity in Off-Base Housing
References: (a) DoD Instruction 1100.16, "Equal Opportunity in Off-Base Housing, June
2, 1977 (hereby canceled)
(b) DoD Directive 1350.2, "The Department of Defense Military Equal
Opportunity Program," December 23, 1988
(c) Public Law 90-284, "Civil Rights Act of 1968"
(d) Section 3601 et seq. of title 42, United States Code, 1982
(e) through (j), see enclosure 1
This Instruction:
1.1. Reissues reference (a).
1.2. Revises the references, policies, and procedures covering off-base housing and
fair housing enforcement.
1.3. Outlines discrimination complaint inquiries or investigative procedures and
hearing requirements.
1.4. Deletes the requirement for each Military Department to submit a semi-annual
housing discrimination report to the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Force Management
and Personnel) (ASD(FM&P)).
1.5. Requires each Military Service to report to the ASD(FM&P) any housing
discrimination cases and their results in their Annual Military Equal Opportunity
Assessment Report to the ASD(FM&P).
1.6. Requires each Military Department to maintain all completed or resolved
housing discrimination cases.