Title Publication Cost Report (PCR)
Numbe~ DI-FNCL-80729A
Approval Date: 19980515
AMSC Numbe~ A7308
DTIC Applicable:
GIDEP Applicable:
Office of Primary Responsibility: A/AMCOM
Applicable Forms:
Use/relationship: This data item description (DID) provides a breakdown of cost for each
type of page for an equipment publication.
a. This data item description (DID) contains the format and content preparation
instructions for the data product generated by the specific and discrete task requirement as
delineated in the contract.
b. This DID is applicable for any contract from which equipment publications are
c. This DID supersedes DI-FNCL-80729
1. Format. The Publication Cost Report (F’CR)shall be in contractor’s format.
2. Content. The PCR is a breakdown of publications cost by page type and publication
number. One report shall be completed for each separate publication produced under the
contract. If more than one type of page is prepared in the production of the publication, an
additional report is prepared for each type of page the publication contains. The data shall
be entered os follows:
2.1 Command/activi tv - the acronym for the command or activity submitting this report.
2.2 System - the weapon system name and model designator. If the publications acquired
are not system related, enter “General.”
2.3 Tvpe of contract - the type of contractlproduct or service. Possible entries for contract
type are: Fixed Price Incentive (FPI), Firm Fixed Price (FFP), Firm Fixed Price with
Escalation (FFP w/E), Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF), Cost Plus Incentive Fee (CPIF), Cost
Plus Award Fee (CPAF), and Time and Materials (T&M). Possible entries for product or
services would be: Engineering Services Memoranda (ESM), Equipment Production
Contract (EPC), and Publications Contract (PC). Enties under “Type of Contract” must
reflect the contract type and the product or service, typical entries could be: CPFF/PC,
2.4 Contract number - the contract number.
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