Title: Progress Curve Report (DD Form 1921-2)
Number: DI-FNCL-81567 Approval Date: 19991022
AMSC NUMBER: D7335 Limitation:
DTIC Applicable: GIDEP Applicable:
Office of Primary Responsibility: (D) OSD/PA&E/CAIG
Applicable Forms: DD Form 1921-2 (OMB Control No. 0704188); 40 hours
Use/relationship: This DID supersedes DID DI-F-6008, Progress Curve Report (DD
Form 1921-2). The Progress Curve Report will be used to obtain essential cost data from
contractors for the purpose of establishing a cost database. The database will be used to:
1. prepare program cost estimates for major systems reviewed by the Defense Acquisition
Board (DAB) and other Component reviewed programs; 2. develop independent
government contract estimates in support of cost and price analyses; and 3. develop
estimates to support Analysis of Alternatives (AOAs), Cost as an Independent Variable
(CAIV), and long range planning efforts.
a. Information to be acquired through these data will include actual incurred costs and
estimated incurred costs at completion for selected work breakdown structure (WBS)
element(s) by unit or lot for recurring costs only. Costs are broken out by reporting
contractor, subcontractor, and total. Within these categories costs are further
segregated by functional category (i.e., quality control and manufacturing) and by
major cost category (direct labor, raw material and purchased parts, and purchased
equipment). The report contains direct labor hours for quality control and
engineering. The report also allows for the collection of key technical characteristics.
b. The 1921-2 reporting requirement must satisfy three conditions. First, it only applies
to acquisition category (ACAT) program contracts or subcontracts valued over $40
million (in FY 1996 dollars). Contracts priced between $6 million and $40 million
(in FY 1996 dollars) are subject to CCDR reporting requirements when the CIPT
determines, and the CAIG agrees that they are high-risk or high-technical-interest
items. Contracts priced below $6 million (in FY 1996 dollars) are not subject to
CCDR reporting. Second, the 1921-2 requirement is limited to high quantity or high
risk programs. Third, reporting is limited to research and development contracts and
terminates at completion of low rate initial production (LRIP). Reporting frequency is
tied to program estimating needs as determined by the program manager and the
CIPT for ACAT I programs and the program manager and the responsible
Component reviewing authority for ACAT II and III programs.
c. This DID summarizes the format and content preparation instructions to support the
specific data and frequency requirements specified in the contract. This report is one
of three Contractor Cost Data Reporting (CCDR) formats and is related to the two
other reports, the Coat Data Summary, DD Form 1921(DID DI-FNCL-81565) and the
Functional Cost-Hour Report, DD Form 1921-1 (DID DI-FNCL-81566). All three
reports are available for inclusion on any given contract that meets the criteria
specified above and any other conditions specified for a particular report.
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