Number: DI-FNCL-81789 Approval Date: 20091026
AMSC Number: N9105 Limitation:
DTIC Applicable: N/A GIDEP Applicable: N/A
Office of Primary Responsibility: SH/SEA 21FL
Applicable Forms: N/A
Use/relationship: This report will be used to by the government to verify that contract costs are
documented and that the program is on schedule relating to the task milestones and/or
completion dates.
This DID contains the format and content preparation instructions for the data product generated
by the specific and discrete task requirement as delineated in the contract.
1. Format. The report shall be presented in a format similar to that of Figures 1-5.
2. Content. The report shall contain all information specified in Figures 1–5 and the following:
a. Incurred cost to the sub contract line item number (SubCLIN funding source) level,
up to and including the current through 50% of the availability time elapsed.
b. Variance analyses shall be included at the 25% of availability time elapsed.
c. Cost of the work item, identified and groups to show the applicable SubCLIN
(funding source) and shall be identified at each 25% time elapsed.
d. Negotiated values for growth to the work item level.
e. Identification of Master Ship Repair (MSR) teaming partners as subcontractors, for
those contracts with teaming agreements. Team member reports shall include total
cost by labor and material.
f. Prime contractor costs shall include prorated costs based on the budget at completion
(BAC) at 50% time elapsed.
g. Variance analysis information for each work item with a variance of +/- 10% and
variances in excess of $10,000, whichever is higher. In addition, variance analysis
information shall include variances in excess of $100,000.
h. SubCLIN/level cost/schedule status report (C/SSR) monthly and Work Item Level
C/SSR quarterly. Report shall also include C/SSR graphical analysis information
along with the definition of all terms used and a narrative analysis of overall contract
i. Dollars vs time elapsed at the SubCLIN level for budgeted cost of work scheduled
(BCWS), budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), actual cost of work performed
(ACWP) and estimate at completion (EAC).
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