Title: First Article Qualification Test Plan and Procedures
DI-NDTI-81307A Approval Date: 21 NOV 2006
AMSC Number: 7649 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: No GIDEP Applicable: No
Office of Primary Responsibility: NS/I522
Applicable Forms: N/A
To establish test procedures, test equipment, and the inspection criteria that will be used
by the contractor for first article qualification.
This Data Item Description (DID) contains the format and content preparation
instructions for the data product generated by the specific and discrete task requirement
as delineated in the contract.
This DID supercedes DI-NDTI-81307.
1. Reference documents. None.
2. Format:
The plan shall be in the contractor’s format.
3. Content:
This test plan shall include the following:
a. Purpose of test.
b. Applicable documents.
c. Description of units to be tested.
d. Test description to include the following:
(1) Step-by-step procedures which are to be followed by the operator
when performing each test.
(2) Define readings to be taken, settings to be used, and description
of the test equipment, including commercial identification.
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