Use/Relationship: The Objectives and Media Analysis Report (OMAR) documents all
training objectives, media/method allocations to objectives, and rationale for selection of
instructional strategies, methods, and media for an Aircrew Training System (ATS). The
OMAR is used to establish trainee performance baselines and the ATS allocated baselines
for course syllabi development.
a. This Data Item Description (DID) contains the format and content preparation instructions
for the OMAR data product generated by the specific and discrete task requirement for this
data included in the contract.
b. This DID is applicable to all ATS acquisition programs, including programs where an ATS
is an element of the total system being acquired.
c. This is Revision A to previous DID in Area ILSS which has been replaced by Area PSSS.
This DID supersedes DI-ILSS-80569.
1. Reference documents. The applicable issue of the documents cited herein, including their
approval dates and dates of any applicable amendments, notices and revisions, shall be as
specified in the solicitation or contract.
2. General. The OMAR establishes the training objectives and allocation of objectives to
media for each type of aircrew and ground personnel to be trained in the ATS. Training
objectives include a statement of the behavior, condition, and standard of performance for
each critical training task. The OMAR also includes test criteria to rate the acceptability of
trainee performance to the objective’s standard.
3. Content and format. The format for the OMAR is outlined in 3.1 through 3.4 below, along
with a description of the material to be contained in each section.
3.1 Section 1: Objectives and objective hierarchies. This section shall contain the training
objectives and shall describe the continuous progression of training for each qualification level
in the trainee’s continuum of training. It shall also depict the hierarchical relationship(s)
among objectives.
3.1.1 Training objectives. This subsection of Section 1 shall contain a list of training
objectives for each type aircrew and ground personnel to be trained in the ATS. Objectives
describe the full range of task proficiencies, skills, and knowledge to be mastered by the
trainee to achieve a specified qualification level. Enabling, terminal, and supporting
objectives describe the job behavior, conditions of performance, test criterion, and standards