Every branch of the U.S. military, aside from the Space Force, has its own special operations forces, each having their own niche that further strengthens the
diversification of USSOCOM. While every SOF force has its own overlaps and similarities with one another, Army Special Operations is the largest of them all.
Because of its size, USASOC and its personnel have a wide reach and breadth around the globe in military operations. On any given day, dozens of USASOC
elements are deployed around the world. With that mentioned, we’re going to be covering the Army Rangers, Special Forces, 160th SOAR, PSYOP, and Civil Affairs,
as well as an honorable mention.
While the Army is a land based branch with a focus on ground operations, its special operations are trained to operate in the full spectrum of military operations
and conflict to meet their objectives. But that’s just scratching the surface, let’s dig a little deeper and lead the way with the Army Rangers.