Department of Defense
NUMBER 1000.11
January 16, 2009
SUBJECT: Financial Institutions on DoD Installations
References: (a) DoD Directive 1000.11, “Financial Institutions on DoD Installations,”
June 9, 2000 (hereby canceled)
(b) DoD Instruction 5025.01, “DoD Directives Program,” October 28, 2007
(c) DoD Directive 5118.03, “Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (USD(C))/
Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Department of Defense,” January 6, 1997
(d) DoD 7000.14-R, Volume 5, Chapter 34, “Department of Defense Financial
Management Regulation (FMR),” November 2008
(e) Title 12, United States Code
(f) Part 230 of title 32, Code of Federal Regulations, current edition
. This Instruction:
a. Reissues Reference (a) as a DoD Instruction in accordance with the guidance in Reference
(b) and the authority in Reference (c).
b. Updates policies and responsibilities for financial institutions that serve DoD personnel
on DoD installations worldwide. Implementing guidance is located in Reference (d).
c. Prescribes consistent arrangements for the provision of services by financial institutions
among the DoD Components and requires that financial institutions operating on DoD
installations provide, and are provided, support consistent with the policies stated herein.
2. APPLICABILITY. This Instruction applies to:
a. OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of the Inspector General of the
Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other
organizational entities within the Department of Defense (hereafter referred to collectively as
the “DoD Components”).