Department of Defense
NUMBER 1320.10
February 6, 2014
SUBJECT: Discharge of Commissioned Officers Not Qualified for Promotion to the Grade of
First Lieutenant or Lieutenant (Junior Grade)
References: See Enclosure 1
1. PURPOSE. In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5124.02 (Reference (a)), this
instruction reissues DoD Instruction (DoDI) 1320.10 (Reference (b)) to establish policy, assign
responsibilities, and prescribe procedures to discharge commissioned officers found not qualified
for promotion to the grade of first lieutenant or lieutenant (junior grade).
2. APPLICABILITY. This instruction applies to OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of
the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the
Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD
Field Activities, and all other organizational entities within the DoD.
3. POLICY. It is DoD policy to discharge officers who are not qualified to be promoted to the
grade of first lieutenant or lieutenant (junior grade). However, it is recognized that such officers
are new to commissioned military service and should be afforded a reasonable opportunity to
overcome their deficiencies before discharge action is taken.
4. RESPONSIBILITIES. See Enclosure 2.
5. PROCEDURES. Enclosure 3 provides procedures for the discharge of commissioned officers
found not qualified for promotion to the grade of first lieutenant or lieutenant (junior grade).
6. RELEASABILITY. Unlimited. This instruction is approved for public release and is
available on the Internet from the DoD Issuances Website at