Department of the Army TRADOC Regulation 600-14
Headquarters, United States Army C1
Training and Doctrine Command
Fort Monroe, Virginia 23651-1047
15 February 2005
Personnel - General
Summary. This is a change to TRADOC Regulation 600-14, 1 February 1999. This change
updates administrative procedures for soldiers inducted into the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club
within U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC).
Suggested improvements. The proponent of this regulation is Deputy Chief of Staff for
Personnel, Infrastructure, and Logistics (DCSPIL). Send comments and suggested
improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms)
through channels to Commander, TRADOC (ATBO-B), 5 North Gate Road, Fort Monroe, VA
23651-1048. Suggested improvements may also be submitted using DA Form 1045 (Army Ideas
for Excellence Program).
Availability. This publication is available only on the TRADOC Homepage at
1. Change TRADOC Reg 600-14, 1 February 1999, as follows:
Suggested Improvements. First sentence, delete “Base Operations Support (DCSBOS)” and
replace with “Personnel, Infrastructure, and Logistics (DCSPIL).”
Paragraph 2-2. First sentence, after “units” add “and activities.”
Paragraph 2-4, subparagraph b
. Delete third and fourth sentences, and replace with: “The board
will be comprised of a president with a vote, three additional voting members, and a recorder
without a vote. The board members will be senior to the candidate and include at least one
voting member of the same sex as the candidate being considered. A unanimous vote of board
members will determine if a candidate should continue in the selection process.”
Paragraph 2-4, subparagraph c
. Delete first sentence and replace with: “The SAMC final
selection board will be comprised of the unit’s senior Command Sergeant Major as president
with a vote, three additional Command or Sergeants Major appointed by the president as voting
members, and a recorder without a vote.”
In the sixth sentence, which begins “Candidates successfully meeting . . .”after “board” add “by
a unanimous vote of board members.”
In the eleventh sentence, which begins “Final selection boards . . .” after “TRADOC” delete
“installations” and replace with “units”; after “that” delete “installation” and replace with “unit.”